The Messenger of Light Day held at the Museum Center,
on August 12, 2021 10 a.m. EEST, UTC+3
August 12, 2021 marked 190 years since H.P. Blavatsky’s birthdate. This day is celebrated in Dnipro each year as the Day of Light Bringer and has become a tradition for several years now. As usual on this occasion, this year’s festive event at the Museum-Center hosted a literary and musical composition dedicated to HPB’s childhood and adolescence. Classical music pieces were performed that created a warm and serene atmosphere at the house. Also a “Color Show” from Liudmyla Hatseliuk’s art exhibition featuring amazing paintings of this amateur artist was unveiled on this day.
It was a get together of friends happy to interact with each other.
Venue: 11 Prince Yaroslav Mudry St., Dnipro, Ukraine

White Lotus Day 2021
The Museum Center of H.P.Blavatsky and Her Family (Ukraine, Dnipro) held a meeting on May 8 at the White Lotus Day dedicated to the 130th anniversary of H.P.Blavatsky’s passing from the physical plane. The solemn meeting “The worldwide significance of H.P.Blavatsky’s heritage”. The meeting was opened by the head of the Museum Center, Mrs. Alina Morgunova. She said: “…This day is dedicated to those for whom the name of Helena Blavatsky has become a symbol of knowledge, progress and evolutionary development.”
You can watch here a recording of the solemn meeting :